This page provides specifications of knee specimen OKS009. This is a young (likely healthy /!\ potentially damaged (see tibiofemoral joint testing notes) /!\ ) male specimen candidate.


Specimen Characteristics

Left knee

Gender: Male

Age: 34 years

Race: White

Height: 1.8 m

Weight: 68.03 kg

BMI: 20

Serologically tested: Yes.


Not available


-- ["aerdemir"] DateTime(2015-11-16T14:51:54Z) All, please complete relevant sections of this page during and after experimentation.


Reference Specification: ["Specifications/Specimens"] - [ Revision as of November 16, 2015]

Leading Team Member: Snehal Chokhandre

Supporting Team Members: Ahmet Erdemir


Data Location:

Specimen characteristics are provided in this wiki page.

Protocol Deviations:

  1. X-ray evaluation was not possible due to lack of X-ray imaging of the specimen.


  1. None.

Specimen Preparation

Reference Specification: ["Specifications/SpecimenPreparation"] - [ Revision as of November 16, 2015]

Leading Team Member: Tara Bonner

Supporting Team Members: Snehal Chokhandre, Craig Bennetts, Robb Colbrunn, Callan Gillespie, Ahmet Erdemir


Data Location:

Data will be available as part of tibiofemoral joint mechanics data (see below).

Protocol Deviations:

  1. None noted.


  1. Dissected and keeping skin-fat-muscle layers from thigh and shank.
  2. The orientation of the bone plugs for tibia and femur were adjusted to accommodate motion analysis marker in relation to pot.
  3. Skin and fat layers on the posterior side of the knee were removed to accommodate placement of the specimen in transportation fixture for imaging. This was necessitated by the large size of the knee.
  4. The femur registration markers were placed to medial, lateral, and posterior sides (alternative configuration).
  5. Tibia anatomical landmark measurements were in the order lateral plateau, medial plateau, lateral malleolus (x2), medial malleolus (x2).
  6. Femur anatomical landmark measurements were in the order lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle, epiyhseal line (x4, anterior, inferior, posterior, superior),
  7. Patella anatomical landmark measurements were in the order lateral, medial, superior, inferior.
  8. The femur registration marker digitization sequence was medial, lateral, posterior.
  9. The tibia registration marker digitization sequence was lateral, medial, posterior.
  10. Dissected and keeping the femoral head.
  11. Dissected and keeping bone from femoral and tibial shafts.
  12. More screws (to assemble the Optotrak bone base plugs) need to be purchased for next experimentation.

Joint Imaging

Specimen Preparation

Reference Specification: ["Specifications/SpecimenPreparation"] - [ Revision as of November 16, 2015]

Leading Team Member: Craig Bennetts

Supporting Team Members:

Timeline: Snehal Chokhandre

Data Location:

Protocol Deviations:

  1. None noted.


  1. Skin and fat at the posterior region of the knee were removed to accommodate placement in the transportation fixture.


Reference Specification: ["Specifications/ExperimentationAnatomicalImaging"] - [ Revision as of November 17, 2015]

Leading Team Member: Craig Bennetts

Supporting Team Members: Snehal Chokhandre


Data Location:

Protocol Deviations:

  1. None noted.


  1. General purpose imaging
  2. Cartilage imaging
  3. Connective-tissue imaging

Joint Mechanics

Equipment Preparation

Reference Specification: ["Specifications/PressureCalibration"] - [ Revision as of November 17, 2015]

Leading Team Member: Robb Colbrunn

Supporting Team Members: Callan Gillespie


Data Location:

Protocol Deviations:


Specimen Preparation

Reference Specification: ["Specifications/SpecimenPreparation"] - [ Revision as of November 17, 2015]

Leading Team Member: Tara Bonner

Supporting Team Members:


Data Location:

Protocol Deviations:



Reference Specification: ["Specifications/ExperimentationJointMechanics"] - [ Revision as of November 17, 2015]

Leading Team Member:

Supporting Team Members:


Data Location:

Protocol Deviations:


  1. During tibiofemoral joint testing, the first passive flexion test completed. During extension the robot malfunction resulted in large forces and moments to be applied on the knee. This may have resulted in damage of knee structures. In the second passive flexion test, flexion was completed yet during extension the same malfunction was observed. It may be possible to compare the first passive flexion curve (response of the intact joint) with the second passive flexion curve (response of the potentially damaged joint) to assess any discrepancies due to tissue failure. It may be necessary to consider this specimen as a damaged specimen. The group decided to collect tibiofemoral joint testing data per specifications anyways. The loading and kinematic profiles of the abrupt extension profiles were saved to be able to simulate potentially damage inducing simulation scenarios. If damaged, the laxity and combined loading data may serve modeling & simulation of an injured knee. Callan has a video of the second passive flexion/extension loading profile which may indicate what the robot has been doing. He will upload the video to the data management system. The group needs to evaluate the joint critically during dissection, documenting tissue state by taking pictures.

Tissue Mechanics

Specimen Preparation

Reference Specification:

Leading Team Member:

Supporting Team Members:


Data Location:

Protocol Deviations:



Reference Specification:

Leading Team Member:

Supporting Team Members:


Data Location:

Protocol Deviations:


Data Analysis

Modeling & Simulation