


All Specifications Pages


Experimentation Workflow

ImageLink(, width=600, alt=Experimentation Workflow)

The following relates the above flowchart to the corresponding specification page(s). Note the step numbers in the flowchart correspond to the specification pages below. Both this list and the flowchart should be updated if the workflow changes. Pages for specific information on each step of the experimentation process are:

  1. ["Specifications/Specimens"]
  2. ["Specifications/SpecimenPreparation"]
  3. ["Specifications/Registration"]
  4. ["Specifications/SpecimenPreparation"]
  5. ["Specifications/ExperimentationAnatomicalImaging"]
    1. Output: specimen specific anatomical imaging
  6. ["Specifications/SpecimenPreparation"]
  7. ["Specifications/ExperimentationJointMechanics"]
    1. Output: joint level experimental results
    2. Input: pressure sensor calibration, see ["Specifications/PressureCalibration"]
  8. ["Specifications/SpecimenPreparation"]
  9. ["Specifications/ExperimentationTissueMechanics"]
    1. Output: tissue level experimental results

Modeling & Simulation Workflow

ImageLink(, width=800, alt=Modeling & Simulation Workflow)

The following list relates the modeling and simulation flowchart above to the corresponding specification pages. Both the list and the flowchart should be updated if the workflow changes. The step numbers in the flowchart correspond to the specification pages as listed:

  1. Prerequisite experimentation
    1. ["Specifications/ExperimentationAnatomicalImaging"]
    2. ["Specifications/ExperimentationTissueMechanics"]
    3. ["Specifications/ExperimentationJointMechanics"]
  2. ["Specifications/ImageSegmentation"]
  3. ["Specifications/GeometryGeneration"]
  4. ["Specifications/MeshGeneration"]
  5. ["Specifications/ModelingConstitutive"]
  6. ["Specifications/ModelingTissue"]
  7. ["Specifications/SimulationTissue"]
    1. Output: specimen specific predictions of tissue mechanics
  8. ["Specifications/MeshAssembly"]
  9. ["Specifications/ModelingAssembly"]
  10. ["Specifications/ModelingCompartmental"]
  11. ["Specifications/SimulationCompartmental"]
    1. Output: specimen specific predictions of compartmental mechanics
  12. ["Specifications/ModelingJoint"]
  13. ["Specifications/SimulationJoint"]
    1. Output: specimen specific predictions of joint mechanics