Additional information can be found on the Discussion page.

Target Outcome

Acquisition of cadaver knee specimens of desired types

Target Specimens

Specimens should meet the following criteria:

Specimens will be excluded when

Secondary Specimens

Besides the primary specimens described above, more specimens can be tested in future to include conditions such as obesity, and different gender and age combinations. These will be listed in this section.

Specimen Acquisition

Deliveries should be to:

Specimen Evaluation

Specimen Storage

Specimen Numbering Convention

Tissue Samples from Specimens


  1. Berger MJ, Kean CO, Goela A, Doherty TJ. Disease severity and knee extensor force in knee osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2012 May;64(5):729-34.

  2. Braun HJ, Gold GE. Diagnosis of osteoarthritis: imaging. Bone. 2012 Aug;51(2):278-88.

Specifications/Specimens (last edited 2019-04-05 18:28:44 by owings)