Target outcome



Previous Protocols

Sample thickness measurement: Trial 1


Optical measurement

Using a constant-pressure LVDT probe


1.01 mm (0.056)

0.59 mm (0.083)


0.83 mm (0.110)

1.04 mm (0.199)

Note For each sample 5 measurements were taken for both methods.

Sample thickness measurement: Trial 2


Optical measurement

Using a constant-pressure LVDT probe


1.0937 mm (0.019)

1.0764 mm (0.024)

Note For each sample 5 measurements were taken for both methods.

Sample thickness measurement: Trial 3


Optical measurement

Using a constant-pressure LVDT probe


2.102 (0.154)

2.48 (0.074)

Foam back

2.66 (0.254)



2.175 (0.068)

2.005 (0.016)

Cartilage 90

2.106 (0.087)



2.638 (0.327)

2.183 (0.306)

Tendon back

2.574 (0.214)


ImageLink(foam.bmp, width=300, alt=Experimentation Workflow) ImageLink(foam_back.bmp, width=300, alt=Experimentation Workflow)

ImageLink(cartilage.bmp, width=300, alt=Experimentation Workflow) ImageLink(cartilage_90.bmp, width=300, alt=Experimentation Workflow)

ImageLink(tendon.bmp, width=300, alt=Experimentation Workflow) ImageLink(tendon_back.bmp, width=300, alt=Experimentation Workflow)

Optical thickness-measurement system design


Optical Thickness Measurement System


The core of the optical thickness system consists of 3 files:

There is a fourth optional .exe file that can be used to automatically grab an image from any PointGrey camera currently connected to the computer, thus making the whole system standalone.

GUI Layout

The GUI in is a wrapper around to analyze individual image files. To use the GUI:

  1. Press the "Browse" button in the upper left
  2. Select the image file you want to analyse
  3. If you wish to see a preview of the image, press "Preview" un the upper right
  4. Type in the number of scans you wish to use in the analysis. (The more the better, usually).
  5. Type in the height of a single mark on the ruler to calibrate.
  6. Press the "Analyze!" button at the bottom
  7. On the image display that pops up, select the left and right bounds of the tissue sample
    1. Use a left mouse click to create a vertical red line at the left bound
    2. Use a right mouse click to create a vertical red line at the right bound
    3. When you are satisfied with the bounds you have chosen, close out of the popup to save them
  8. On the second popup, use a left click to draw a horizontal red line close to the bottom edge of the tissue
    1. This line does not have to be exactly at the bottom edge, but the closer the better
    2. Try to line it up so that it is halfway between the near and far edges of the table
    3. Close out of the popup to save the location of this line
  9. The third popup will have several small red vertical lines on top of the tissue. These are the thickness scans.
    1. Select any data points that you don't want to be included in the final list.
    2. Removed data points will be marked as black, included will be marked as red.
    3. Close this popup to save the data points.
  10. On the final popup, click to place a vertical red line on the left edge of the ruler.
    1. This line doesn't have to be exact, but the closer the better
    2. It is better to place it further to the left than to the right of the ruler edge.
    3. Close this popup to save the ruler location.
  11. There will be a lot of output on the console; the final number should be the thickness in mm. This number will also be displayed under the "Analyze!" button on the GUI window.


Once the user specifies the left and right bounds of the tissue, the script partitions that into the correct number of vertical strips and performs a thickness scan on each script to get the height of the tissue at that x-coordinate. Each scan consists of first considering the region from the top of the image to the user-marked tissue bottom and calculated the standard deviation in color for both the top and bottom half. Similar to a binary search, the script then recurses on the half with a higher standard deviation, thus locating the top edge of the tissue at the relevant x-coordinate.

The pixel heights from each scan are averaged, then a ratio is computed to convert pixels into millimeters. To compute this ratio, the ruler (as defined by the user) is scanned down 350 pixels and the number of marks crossed are counted. These two values are divided to procure a conversion of marks/px. The conversion is then multiplied by the height (in px) and then by the mark height (in mm/mark) to yield the final result in mm.


Optical thickness measurement system (OTMS)

ImageLink(OTMS-setup.jpg, width=500, alt= OTMS)

Version 1 OTMS : Shown lens will be replaced with Fujifilm lens HF12.5HA-1B

OTMS trial

OTMS performance in ambient light

1. Image taken with the OTMS system with ambient light. Front edges of the sample and platform are aligned with the ruler. Small aperture.

ImageLink(frontedge-aligned.jpg, width=500, alt=frontedge-aligned)

2. Image taken with OTMS system with ambient light. Ruler is aligned with the middle of the sample.

ImageLink(mid-aligned.jpg, width=500, alt=mid-aligned)

OTMS performance with focused light source

Images taken with no light, low light and medium light.

ImageLink(nolight-lowap.jpg, width=500, alt=nolight-lowap)

ImageLink(lowlight-lowap.jpg, width=500, alt=lowlight-lowap)

ImageLink(medlight-lowap.jpg, width=500, alt=medlight-lowap)

OTMS accuracy assessment with gauge of known diameter

Images of 3.5 mm diameter gauge pin taken with,

  1. ruler alighned with the front edge of the platform and front edge of the pin and,
    • 3.596,3.567,3.567,3.623, 3.596 == 3.5898 mm (0.023552)
  2. ruler alighed with the diameter of the pin with the pin placed such that the front edge is aligned with the platform's front edge
    • 3.5127,3.4614,3.5127,3.4614,3.5127 == 3.49218 (0.028098)

ImageLink(3.5gage-front.jpg, width=500, alt=3.5gage-front)

ImageLink(3.5gage-mid.jpg, width=500, alt=3.5gage-mid)


1. Black platform will work better for maximum contrast/low reflection with samples.

2. Ruler and sample need to as close to the front edge of the platform as possible. Preferably, flush with the front edge to avoid distortions of the front edge of the platform when camera focused on the ruler/sample.

3. Added attachments to hold in camera in place when moved vertically.

4. Low aperture provided clearer images.

5. Focused light on the ruler does not seem to provide good images as it still illuminates the sample even on the lowest intensity setting.