-- ["aerdemir"] DateTime(2014-01-19T18:11:36Z) This specification is asking for input from the community. Please provide your feedback


Target Outcome



For more details see ["Infrastructure/ExperimentationMechanics"].

Prerequisite Protocols


Robot-Specimen Assembly & Alignment

The testing procedures require placement of the specimen on the robot and following the necessary set-up procedures. These are detailed in the attachment:Infrastructure/ExperimentationMechanics/simVITRO_setup_tutorial.pdf

Tibiofemoral Joint Testing

Primary Conditions

Secondary Conditions


Equipment Use Modes

Operating Procedure

Coordinate System Optimization:


Testing of Primary Conditions:

Patellofemoral Joint Testing

Primary Conditions

Secondary Conditions


Equipment Use Modes

Operating Procedure

Testing of Primary Conditions:

Data Processing

Robotics testing system utilizes "right knee abstraction" for control and data collection. The data, including kinematics-kinetics information and coordinate transformation matrices need to be transformed back to "physical representation" for the left knees for their appropriate description in the physical space.

-- ["aerdemir"] DateTime(2014-05-25T10:44:36Z) Robb, please provide instructions on the process to accomplish this. This may also need to be documented in the joint testing infrastructure page.

Data Storage

All joint testing files, including raw and processed kinematics-kinetics data, coordinate transformation matrices, contact pressure measurements, etc. should be uploaded to the in-house data management system (http://cobicore.lerner.ccf.org/midas, accessible only within the Cleveland Clinic network) for prospective organization (Open Knee(s) Community). Following organization, a documented version of the data will be disseminated at Open Knee(s) project site (https://simtk.org/home/openknee).


Borotikar, Bhushan, Subject specific computational models of the knee to predict anterior cruciate ligament injury, Doctoral Dissertation, Cleveland State University, December 2009.

Grood ES, Suntay WJ. A joint coordinate system for the clinical description of three-dimensional motions: application to the knee. J Biomech Eng. 1983 May;105(2):136-44. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6865355 PubMed]